
Expo Milan 2015 hosts the Biodiversity Park, an exhibition on biodiversity that tackles the fundamental aspects of feeding the planet, prepared from a scientific viewpoint by the University of Milan.

The Biodiversity Park consists of three large sections: an external part where visitors traverse the landscapes of Italian biodiversity, and two indoor sections, namely the exhibition and the auditorium. The three parts are united by links and cross-references.

The park also hosts an exhibition on the history and specific aspects of biodiversity, where the scientific content is presented spectacularly using modern communications techniques. The auditorium will be used for various events, seminars and debates during the six months of Expo 2015.

The Biodiversity Park project was developed with the contribution of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food, University of Milan “La Statale”, the partnership of Expo 2015 and Bologna Fiere, the collaboration of Federbio and with input from the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry for the Environment.